St Peter's Parish, Belper, Derbyshire

Jesus at the centre transforming our community

Africa Inland Mission

The Gibsons working for Africa Inland Mission in Uganda

The family is based in Kampala, the capital. Claire has a background in education and is working on a number of projects in schools. She is now Headteacher of the Acacia Secondary School.

James is a vet and does some teaching and mentoring with students at the University. He teaches and demonstrates surgical procedures on animals to provide valuable practical experience for the students.

Their children Ruby (12), Jessica (10) and Florence (8) attend an International school in Kampala. The family worship at Kampala International Church alongside Ugandans and other missionaries from many countries.

'Christ-centred churches among all African people's' is the mission statement for Africa Inland Mission. If you look at their website - - you'll find a wealth of information and prayer resources to support their work.