St Peter's Parish, Belper, Derbyshire

Jesus at the centre transforming our community

 St Peter's Church is very pleased to announce that they have been given a 

Silver Eco Church Award by A Rocha UK.

Eco Church is a scheme for churches of all denominations in England and Wales. Churches can show that they care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God.

The beauty of the A Rocha Eco Church surveys are that they help a congregation work through different areas of church life and look at how the decisions made and actions taken, effect the environment and their local community.

The survey looks at five areas, worship and teaching, buildings, land, engagement with the local community/global campaigns and the personal lifestyles of the congregation.

St Peter's journey had already begun before the PCC (Parochial Church Council), formally agreed to join the programme in December 2017. Church members were already conscious of their impact on the environment and many steps had been taken to care for God's creation in our church life.

Some of the things that have happened in the last year include:- The Lent Bible Study course, 'God Creation and Us.'The church  worked with Belper Transition to show important documentaries such as, 'Tomorrow' and 'A Plastic Ocean.' 

                                           Film Poster for the film Tomorrow

Kids Against Plastic visited our Young People's Group.

                                                             Kids against plastic

Some of our young people helped Belper Town Council make a person out of plastic rubbish and then spoke to a journalist from Radio Derby about the problem of single use plastic.3 young people talk to a journalist about the plastic issue.

As part of Belper Churches Together and as individuals church members took an active part in Belper Goes Green.

Three raised beds were constructed by the Community Payback Team for fruit and vegetable growing. The Community Garden was opened by the Mayor of Belper in June 2018.

                                        3raised garden beds

Areas of the churchyard started being managed for wildlife with advice being given by Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and Miriam McDonald,

We worked with Belper Town Council for Belper in Bloom and in a small way have helped the town achieve Gold Awards. We are part of Belper Open Gardens each year and an also regularly take part in Churches Count on Nature.

Eco Church Silver Award Winner 2018

Our Community Garden group continues to manage areas of the churchyard for people and wildlife. 

Bug HotelRock piles

Autumn leaf collectingSt Peters Eco ChurchWildlife trust bring willowsBlue heart give awaySowing wildflower seed

3raised garden bedsStall at Belper market