Young People's Fellowship - YPF

YPF (Young People's Fellowship) meets every Friday (in term time) from 7.15 pm - 9.00 pm in St Peter's west end.

Young people from school years 7-13 are welcome.

YPF is open for all young people, whether they come to St Peter's or not, who are secondary school age. It is a time of fun and games as well as learning about walking the Christian faith in life.  If you want to know more then contact Jo or Steve Richardson via the Parish Office. 

Games and tuck time, then we discuss issues and what God has to say to us about life, the universe, and EVERYTHING!!

     We go bowling!                 Watch films on the big screen!                 Have a weekend away every year!                                                 Go climbing in Nottingham!         Christmas party and sleepover! 

                                                  We chill, eat chocolate, and chat about God.

                                                                If you're 11 - 18.....come and join us!!

                                                                                                           The Leaders are: Steve, Jo, and Chris  

This is a safe, supportive and inclusive environment where young people can be themselves and invite their friends! Annual trips to the Diocesan youth centre in Edale are a highlight for everyone, as well as the Christmas party and sleepover! The young people raise and donate money to sponsor a child through Compassion and much much more!!! Why not come along?!?

YPF 1 18.8.21                          YPF 2 18.8.21  YPF 3 18.8.21                                     YPF 4 18.8.21 rotated

Taken from May 2022 'Three in One' magazine

Mariam and YPF—Steve Richardson 

                                                                                            Miriam YPF

For many years the young people at YPF have been sponsoring children all over the world through Compassion. Compassion is “Christ centered, church based and child focused”. It works in partnership with local churches in 25 developing countries – they provide resources, training and expertise to help the church give the children in their community the opportunity to escape from poverty and fulfil their potential. 

Each week YPF members put some money or spare change into a pot which goes to supporting a child through their education and Christian growth. Recently our sponsored child Ezechiel became an adult and the programme to support him came to an end. We still remember Ezechiel fondly and pray for him regularly. This ending has brought with it an exciting new chapter ... we now sponsor Mariam! 

Mariam is from Soumousso in Burkina Faso and was born in August 2015 so will be 7 this summer. Her Dad is a farmer and her mum describes herself as a ‘homemaker’. She is currently not attending school but support in her learning is being offered by her local church. She speaks French and her favourite hobbies include group games. 

 YPF are in regular contact with Mariam – we receive regular updates from Compassion and letters and drawings from Mariam herself. Her most recent letter to us arrived at the end of February and included this message: 

Dear St Peter’s YPF, 

Hello! How are you? My family and me are doing well. I am happy to read your letter. Thank you for prayers and wishes on my birthday. We had a great Christmas at the centre. We sang, danced. We also had lots of gifts. I pray that this year be a year of peace and happiness. 

It is a genuine privilege for YPF to be involved in Mariam’s life and to offer our support, through Compassion, to the valuable work done by the Church in her local community. “Whoever welcomes a child like this in my name, welcomes me”